Our Team
Dr Patrina Caldwell
Consultant Paediatrician

Patrina’s Specialty Areas Include:
- Bedwetting
- Daytime Urinary Incontinence
- Constipation
- Faecal Incontinence
- Other Bladder & Bowel Problems
Patrina Caldwell is an academic paediatrician. She is an Associate Professor for the Discipline of Child and Adolescent Health at the University of Sydney. She founded the multidisciplinary urinary continence service at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, which provides care for children with incontinence across NSW. Patrina has partnered with the Agency for Clinical Innovations (ACI) to develop a Framework for Paediatric Continence through integrated care across tertiary, primary and community settings. She is an active member of the Continence Foundation of Australia and the International Children’s Continence Society. She is on the steering committee of Star Child Health, an international group involved in developing standards/guidance for conducting paediatric trials.
Patrina is involved in teaching and research. She supervises PhD, masters and honours students as well as paediatric advanced trainees and paediatricians. She completed a PhD in children’s participation in randomised controlled trial in 2003. She has received over $2,900,000 in grants and awards for her research and has published over 100 peer reviewed journal articles. Her areas of research interest include paediatric bladder conditions (including childhood bedwetting), online searching for health information for consumers and health professionals, patient engagement through technology and virtual agents, eHealth and evidence based medicine, particularly in resource limited settings.
In 2021, when she retired from the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Patrina founded Paediatricians at Westmead (PAW). Her desire is to provide a centre of paediatric excellence for children and families as well as provide a nurturing and supportive environment for paediatricians and other paediatric health professionals to work, with sharing of skills, knowledge and resources. She hopes to continue her clinical, research and teaching in this environment.