Our Team
Ms. Bonnie Dorise
Paediatric Dietitian
MND, BSc (Nutr&Food)(Nutr&Phys), APD

Bonnie’s Specialty Areas Include:
- Growth support
- Introducing solids
- Weaning from breastmilk/formula
- Fussy eating
- Limited food intake
- Nutrition deficiencies
- Specialised diets (e.g. vegetarian, vegan or dairy-free)
- Constipation
- Texture-modified diets
- Tube feeding
Bonnie is a paediatric dietitian with over 5 years of experience in clinical and research paediatrics in the Dietetics Department and Grace Centre for Newborn Care (NICU) at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and the Dietetics Department at Fairfield Hospital. She is registered as an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) with Dietitians Australia.
Bonnie is passionate about supporting parents to nourish their children so that they can grow, develop and thrive to their best potential. She combines family centred-care with evidence-based practice, to ensure that we are utilising both you as the expert in your child, the most up-to-date research and her clinical skills to support meeting your family goals.
Find more information about Bonnie’s paediatric dietitian services here.